Thursday, October 29, 2015



~ Sai Bhaskar N. Reddy ~ 

YOU 102


Geo Spirit is about everything that one strives for the harmony and wellbeing of the Earth.  “Geo Spirit” consists of two words - “Geo” is the Earth including biotic and abiotic aspects and “Spirit” is striving continuously for peace and freedom for oneself and everything on this earth. “Geo Spirit” ultimately aims at oneness of the earth integrating and harmonizing the diversities. The human beings are the single species disharmonizing the earth. To realize the above aspects consistent earth leadership is required for a positive change.
Geo Spirit for an individual is having freedom through self-realization. Each individual is an earth leader, need to unleash their potential to bring the positive change on this earth.

Whatever one does, it is important to get connected to the Earth.


When the universe came into existence, earth was one of the living planet with life. Life is matter and energy with consciousness. One of the intelligent and critical species evolved on earth are Human beings. This species alone in the last 150 years has been responsible for all the destruction that is happening on earth.
The Earth is the single ‘living thing’. All the biotic and abiotic aspects of the earth constitutes this living thing. Earth is our only space upon which we all live. Earth is the space bargained to live from future life on the Earth.
People own properties like land. They declare that this piece of land belongs to me. Is it true? If every living thing (including insects and microbes) on this earth, claim that this land belongs to them. Land and resources were there even before the human beings evolved on this earth. And this land would continue beyond the extinction of human beings. But the earth was existing even before the human beings - as a species came into existence and would last beyond the extinction of humans. How can one own the Earth in parts, through a paper currency notes? How can one get collateral loans for pieces of this earth? Then whose land it is? It is ‘our land’ and not ‘my land’. To be precise we are just guests on this earth.
Loving whole is more important than loving parts. Why can't we own the Earth as a whole, rather loving and representing in parts. The true spirit of an earth leader is to love each and every part of the earth. Should be conscious of every action and its impact on the earth. In true love there is no reason, one should love the truth and strive for a better change.
Through Geo Spirit, our awareness, sensitivity, knowledge, understanding, act, and spirit are relevant to the harmony and wellbeing of earth and the infinite space. Through the "GEO SPIRIT" one could be the possibility of "EARTH LEADER".

Appreciate, understand and live with the Earth.
Spirit is the consciousness. Geo Spirit is the consciousness of earth. Spirit manifests in oneness (collectiveness) and freedom. Earth is a single living thing, in which we are also a part. As human beings one should always strive and question, why I am born on this earth.
GEO Spirit is for understanding and getting connected to the Earth. Also striving to understand the intricate relationships between various biotic and abiotic aspects. To be sensitive and to be the cause of earth resources sustainability for geoecology, environment and all life on this earth.
As an aspect of "GEO Spirit" try to understand why earth has provided us everything to celebrate another day. As human beings one should always strive and question, why I am born on this earth.
If I am living somewhere, what is the difference I can make? If there is no positive change that one is causing, then there is not much meaning to one’s life. That is the spirit of living.
‎"GEO Spirit" is ones consciousness on the purpose of living on this earth.


Goal is ultimate requirement to achieve greater change. Peace, Love, Happiness and Freedom are the fundamental aspects within which goals exist. Spirit is a basic instinct which should be always active in one’s life to achieve goal/s. Spirit is a precursor to goal.

 Intention and initiative is important to realize ones goal. When goals are difficult to achieve, maximum performance is needed. If children and youth set their goals early, they would have more time and capacity to change the World.
Young children consider their teachers are supreme and also give them respect. Many children when asked what is that they want to be in their life, they say that they want to be a 'Teacher'. If Teachers were asked - What is their Goal in life? they look puzzled. The profession chosen is not the goal, but the purpose and values around the act describes the Goal.
The teachers as adults, if they don’t have their life goal, how can they inspire the children towards a goal. And such a teacher never ever would be able to explain what a Goal is?
Understanding the purpose of life at an early age gives more value to life. Children need not fix a goal. Goals can change in time and space for children, but after reaching certain age, say about 12 to 14 years of age they should understand what a goal is and strive towards achieving it.
Life is being curious, knowing, acting and experiencing. Education is useful for learning, awareness and knowledge. Experiential Knowledge gaining through education by children is very rare. In the modern education system the experience or practical’s imparted to students is very little. This education system would not help a child to survive in nature even for a day.
Education system creates dependant human beings. The confidence levels of a child are low as far as survival skills are considered.
An ant is never seen sleeping under a tree in spite of securing its food. Goal is like trying to reach the top of a peak. The time spent in reaching the peak is more than time spent at the peak. Achieving the goal implies all the processes followed are the best. Goal is ultimate and there is no loss, one will end up somewhere, if not the ultimate Goal was reached.

Being sensitive consistently would lead to vision, knowledge and action.

Everyone is an Earth leader who are committed for the earth sustainability.

Every leader should possess sensitivity, humility, truthfulness and commitment. A true leader only sensitizes and makes everyone equally responsible and the problem becomes our problem rather than my problem or your problem. A true leaders own problems are nothing before others problems.

Every earth leader should understand - “All for One - One for All”. One cannot live for oneself. One can only live for others everything on this earth is part of the whole. Everyone living on earth can work only for earth. One for all and all for one, but never one for oneself.
There are many leaders – but each leader is for a cause.  The greater the cause for the common good, is more important for an earth leader to lead. A farmer in a village adopting eco-friendly technologies and producing more is also an earth leader. For his limitations of social and economic condition, education, he has achieved it.
Our education system provides knowledge and few skills but not leadership. A great leader should be sensitive, truthful, knowledgeable, empathize, innovative, and skilled.
One’s life is in between, what matters and does not matter, with and without having existed.

True leaders have freedom and strive for the freedom of one and all. A leader’s goal is always within the common goal. A great leader sets the goals, which are not so easy to achieve in one’s life time. A great leader inspires everyone and becomes a source for the evolution of great leaders. A leader is not the one who considers people as sheep to follow blindly. Followers are not slaves, there is no master and slave relationship in leadership.
The common goals to be achieved is not someone’s job. Therefore a leader inspires and in the space of “everyone a great leader”, strives for the common goals achievement. Leadership is the space for everyone to be a leader and not just one or few. The ‘sustainability’ of societies is defined in the space of leadership.
A leader comes forward to take risk, shares his experiences and works for the common good. They should continuously learn and have domain knowledge on the areas of work to be competent. Only with knowledge would be able to provide direction to the followers.
A true leader’s footprint should be the smallest and should be an example for everyone by leading an environmentally conscious life. The life cycle of the excess spaces used by people has huge impact on environment and ecology.
A great leader is an artist, envisions on the canvas of time and creates a beautiful future. Great leaders have greater vision.
A true leader always believes that “A Leader is not a Leader”, Leader is the one who empowers everyone. A leader only creates great leaders. A true leader need not be remembered.
A true leader never creates emptiness when he leaves. In the absence of a great leader, there should not be chaos. A leader does not suck the power of people around them to become a powerful leader. One cannot live without the support of environment and also one cannot live for oneself. Many leaders appear as leaders, through created followers. There could be some leaders among followers. Through the followers some might attain the stature of a leader.
For a leader achieving the common goals by all means is more important, than attaining the personal goals. Leaders are great orators, their power of speech, expression in lucid way is also important to achieve results.
The character, experiences and credibility of a leader is also important to cause great results. Loosing ego for common goals is important. In every program, project and education system, creating and motivating leaders should be a component. Everyone is a great leader, based on the size and impact of the problem taken up.
Few characteristics of an earth leader

Great leaders always loved freedom, lived with freedom and strived for the freedom of everyone. Some of the great leaders stood by example are Henry Thoreau, Gandhiji and Martin Luther King. Everyone loves freedom of thought and act. Without a goal there is no freedom in ones life.
Freedom is innate. Freedom to choose and do what one loves is real life. The way one prefers to dress before sleep is one of the simplest expressions of the freedom. Sometimes an owner and a servant wear the same kind of dress before going to bed. But a servant can continue with the same dress, and enjoys the same freedom all the time. Say there is no need to change dress for a tribal in a day, except during the special occasions.

Those who want freedom, they already have, need not declare that I want freedom.
People can fight for independence and rights but not for freedom, unless they are slaves. Freedom is always there with oneself. Others can’t give someone’s freedom. Say, if someone wants to walk without slippers it is their own freedom they need not get freedom from someone to do that. For everyone and everywhere freedom is always there. But with freedom comes duty and responsibility.
The chance to choose ones destiny is freedom, it never comes without sacrifices.

Other life on earth has more freedom than the humans...
Curiosity diminishes with age.
We understand that there is less space on earth, but each one has their own space and values, let us understand and give their space and freedom.
If one wants real freedom, they appreciate others freedom.

Rebirth in same life is possible through diversification and sensitivity.
Life is miserable, if one can't enjoy the place where one stands

Majority of people like slavery jobs rather choosing freedom.
Spirit, Knowledge and Action are the three aspects in one’s life, that one should be conscious.
Action or karma is the most basic thing to perform in life. Action is ultimate and most important to cause results.  Action manifests mostly in material world and it is mostly tangible. Action is most fundamental for any life on earth. With practice and skills one can perform and cause greater results. Action should be positive and cause least negative impacts on the earth. A leader should have knowledge and skills. The purpose of knowledge is important. Purpose of acquiring Knowledge is important. Our education system imparts more knowledge, beyond actual purpose. One can have knowledge of many things, knowledge and understanding is useful, if it useful in changing the world. Above all understanding is important in life. Being human, having wisdom and Knowledge, are the basis for understanding. Spirit is above all – action and knowledge. Spirit directs on to achieve right knowledge and achieve greater results through action. An earth leaders spirit changes the world.
The Earth Leaders for change could focus on various aspects such as Energy, Water, Habitat, Nature, Health, Education, etc. These are some of the most relevant on earth. Earth leaders could be from all walks of life chose areas relevant to their spirit, knowledge and skills.

The earth leaders’ space is on this earth. It could be an area urban or rural or natural. Or it could be a transition zone between two or more areas.

An earth leader should practice and preach. Leading by example is the prerequisite. There are different models to begin with. The earth leaders should declare at least one tree as mother tree and strive to protect. This is apart from conserving and planting trees.  Geo Spirit center gives space for an earth leader to understand and learn. They are also centers for learning from the earth leaders and get inspired by their work. Geo Spirit communes is the ultimate space for living with other earth leaders. Geo Spirit Groves need to be declared independently or they should be part of every Geo Spirit Center or Geo Spirit Commune. These centers would inspire many earth leaders to strive for a global commune living with least ecological foot print. Everyone with Geo Spirit would ultimately create a global commune, including biotic and abiotic in existing in harmony.

If people see god in every tree then every part on Earth is a Paradise.


Earth conscious people come together to experience earth, learn, share their goals and declare their action plans.
The Geo Spirit meets can be organized everywhere, which inspires and motivates one to work for the determined cause. Such as, in the lush green forest areas; in the mountains; desert; water bodies; in the slum areas; etc. Every part and place should inspire us as we love each and every part of the Earth.
The declaration done by respective participants at the end of each Geo Spirit Meet is a self-declaration and voluntary. The facilitator only encourages and inspires for taking up bigger challenge. The respective individual declarations are not recorded, nor monitored the progress or results over time. The achievements speak themselves.

To conduct the Geo Spirit meet, for venue any place on the earth could be selected, preferably there should be less disturbance. For those interested in environment and ecological challenges a natural area is preferred. The person taking lead should declare a date and venue for the Geo Spirit Meet. The number of participants: could be around 30 people ideally in a meet led by the facilitator. To participate is minimum and maximum number of people are 5 to 50 people respectively. People men, women, youth and children from age 12 years can participated in the meets. It would be convenient to conduct meets for people of similar interests and age groups together, then a broad spectrum of people.
For all those willing to participate in the Geo Spirit meet the initiation begins from the day they have declared that they would participate. For any person, it is a continuous process and continuous lifelong.
Geo Spirit meets are not commercial. The participants should bear the cost of coming to the venue on their won. The local organization or person declared the date and venue of geo spirit meet could take care of the food and local logistics. In case of not being in a position to take care of logistics, the participants should share the cost. The cost of living during the GEO Spirit meet should be the least. The participation is more of commitment for the earth, rather tourism or adventure trip to the participants. All the participants should participate voluntarily and declare that they themselves are responsible. GEO Spirit is being in oneness with the earth.
Preferably the food and beverages served are as per the local traditions and customs. The stay would be mostly in the open and with least resources. A typical Geo Spirit meet lasts about 24 hours.
Individuals should wear any comfortable dress with accessories such as jackets / sweaters / shawls / caps / etc. to protect themselves from weather. Should preferably wear shoes. Should have a small tent and at least one blanket. Should not bring books, music players, laptops, playing gadgets, etc. Before coming for the GEO SPIRIT meet should read some good books or watch videos on the subject of interest.

If dreams are realities that is life.

One of the memorable GEO Spirit meets was organized in the deep Nallamalai forests, Near Yerragonda Palem, Prakasham District, Andhra Pradesh State, India.
Nallamalai forest is a major part of Eastern Ghats covering parts of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh states. It is hosting the largest tiger reserve in Asia. The rock formations comprise mainly of quartzites and shales. The biodiversity of tropical dry deciduous forests and fauna makes it most beautiful. The forest trees with various forms in the background of quartzites adds the beauty. The streams and nalas forming valleys, the gravel bed streams makes these places a paradise.
It was in the first week of February, 2012 one of the Geo Spirit meets was organized with the support of a local NGO working with local tribal communities. The participants from Hyderabad arrived Yerragondaalem a day before. Yerragondapalem is a very small town, the nearest towns are Macharla and Markapur. There were 18 participants from Hyderabad. After having breakfast, started on a tractor trailer. To avoid the vibrations and jumping on the forest path the trailer was half filled with sand.
On way saw Veerabadra swamy temple a very old temple at Ganjivaripalli (16.033085, 79.200097), from here onwards the road towards Palutla (about 30 kms away) is a rough earth road. The road and stream channel runs parallel. Pallutla is known for cotton cultivation, along the road saw cotton sticking to the branches of the trees, when the vehicles laden with cotton moved.
On the way had lunch with types of Sorghum rotis i.e., plain roti, roti salted and hot roti (salt and pickle added while preparation). This is the traditional food of the local Chenchu tribes.
By around 4:00 pm reached a place called ‘Peddamma Bayyanna temple’ Camp (16.097315, 79.124722) which is about 20 kms away from Ganjivaripalli on the way to Palutla. Tribals worship here. The facilities available were basic - a borewell for water, one solar light and a bamboo hut built by forest department.

Group transect
Four groups were formed with two to three tribal people in each group and were asked to transect walk in different directions. All the groups’ members were instructed, not to go more than one km. All the teams have collected information on local biodiversity. After returning the teams shared their understanding and experience, at that time the sun was setting into the hills.

In all the Geo Spirit meets simple food is preferred. On the way had crispy Jowar Rotis prepared with Sorghum flour, added with garlic and chilli paste and little salt. For breakfast had  the tasty Ragiball with sambar. Some also had rice after the ragiball.
For dinner the food was cooked on three stone stoves, it was frugal and rich in variety. Brown local variety of rice and curries were cooked. For the first time tasted i.e. Deodar leaf curry, Istsapa kaya curry, and Medikaya curry – it was like Egg Burji in appearance and taste.

Camp fire
The chenchu tribe living in the forest were more knowledgeable. It was decided to learn from them first about their life in forest, wild life encounters or sightings, and any other stories. Tried to know the aspirations. Many of them do not have any intuition to a accumulate wealth, but preferred to survive through, what mother earth provides. Tigers are rare to find. Leopards were most ferocious, but above all the bears cause most of the injuries and deaths to the people living in the forest.
After breakfast the team went to banks of a stream for nature experience session - Calmness, Surrender to Sun, Walking Eyes closed, hearing sounds of nature, appreciating trees, Hugging Trees, Feeling Texture of tree parts, observing insects, smelling surroundings, feeling the elements of nature, etc. Saw a porcupine den, observed the droppings of diverse wild ruminants, observed the foot prints of a leopard and a bear. Heard in serenity the calls of jungle fowls and birds. Having born on this earth experiencing the environment and being part of it enriches ones spirit.

In the morning the tribals were cooking breakfast using locally collected leaves (Devadaru plant) and other fruits. We all were hungry. We thought they would serve the breakfast immediately after cooking. But we were asked to wait for half an hour. They said that they would serve only after offering prasadam (the sweet dish of rice and coconuts) to their gods. One of the persons had taken bath, took the Prasadam in fresh leaves and placed before the stones idols. These stones locally available in millions were simple slabs. Although they have no significant shape, but they pasted dots of Kumkum (red vermillion) and haldi (yellow turmeric) on them. They had specific names for each stone. If one of the stone is missing they would have identified another stone to pray. There was a peacock feather adjacent to their 'Idols' and trees were rounding the place. There were just praying the stones and life around as Idols. Nature and ecosystem is real god for them, which giving them life and space. Ultimately their belief is that "God is in everything", including non-living things like stones.

On leadership for 50 children a GEO Spirit meet was facilitated for two days.  The children from 8 and 9th classes participated in it.  There were girls and boys. It was in year 2009, there was a drought prevailing due to delayed monsoon rains. The role and responsibility of a leader is mainly observed in the times of a crisis. The farmers in parts of Telangana State were suffering from the impact of drought. The sown seed has not germinated much and the saplings were drying. The standing crops have wilted or dried in the fields.
There was a request from the Aurobindo International School to facilitate a Geo Spirit meet for their children at Champak Hills, near Jangaon, Warangal District, Telangana State. Considering the severe drought situation, I have chosen drought as the theme for the Geo Spirit meet.
Before going to the field, explained children about the prevailing drought and asked them to refer to media and books for understanding the drought. There were asked to prepare posters / collages on drought in groups.
The field visit was planned at Chempak Hills and surrounding areas covering some of the severe drought affected villages. Few teachers have accompanied the students. The children were asked to go in groups and visit the villages to interact with the farmers on the situation of drought and its impact.
By discussion with the villagers children learned some interesting things. The birds could sense drought ahead and the weaver birds have their woven their nests hanging low in the open wells. During drought situation the open wells don’t get filled full, therefore the nests are made hanging low. These birds build their nests in open wells, on the hanging branches  for securing their chicks from predators.
The standing crops were dried and the green leaves turned brown. The sorghum plants turned poisonous with accumulation of cyanide. Therefore the farmers don’t allow their animals to eat them.
There were water marks in the water tanks and open wells, which indicate the water has not recharged till now. Indirectly these markings indicate the drought situation. The farmers’ hardships during the drought have been understood by the children.

Mother tree is any plant species young or old, that a community promises to let it have a complete life with freedom. Existing trees could be identified and declared by the community as mother trees. Individuals or organizations could register the piece of land where the tree exists and declare the tree as mother tree.
Declaring old trees as mother trees has greater value. The old trees existing in an area establish connections with all other trees through roots and fungi. They also become host for wide variety of local fauna. Around them several other plant species live in symbiotic relationship and harmony. The people living around also establish emotional relationship as they cherish memories of living with it. They are the mute witness to all the happenings in the environment and the changes happening over years.
Bodhi tree under which Gautama Buddha, is said to have achieved enlightenment. With spiritual value, this tree remains forever.

The GEO Spirit Centre is the place declared with least human interventions giving space for nature to flourish. A place with concentration of highest biodiversity of local species, an abode for plants, animals and microbes. These places become learning centers on issues relevant to earth. Each center could focus on specific issues relevant to the immediate geography and other general issues. Demonstration and exhibition of good practices and technologies motivate the earth leaders to adopt and practice. They also become cross learning centers for visiting people. To establish a Geo Spirit center the area required could be as little as half acre to 10 acres. Only few people could stay there during capacity building, but are not meant for permanent stay.
GEO Spirit centers could be declared by everyone and everywhere, such as: Farmers fields; Private lands; educational institutions; religious places; and other Common places.
Benefits to the immediate environment because of Geo Spirit Centers are:
The space hosts a rage of birds, reptiles and many animals. Which would also take care of the occurrence of insects, rats and other population in excess.
Heaven for the soil microbes a must requirement for keeping the soils alive, rather dead.
The biodiversity of plants is the host for fauna and also a great resource of genetic pool along with medicinal plants, etc.
The neighboring fields require less inputs in management because of the above aspects too.
Note: These centers are a declaration by the people who own those spaces for the earth - i.e., GEO Spirit.
GEO Spirit Centers declared by the author is at Peddamaduru Village, Devaruppala Mandal, Warangal District, Telangana, India. 0.5 acre land. This center has 200 species of flora. A biomass stoves museum and a biochar production facility is existing. Green building concepts are used in construction of the buildings. An office is constructed with soil (adobe), biochar bricks are used in construction of the museum cum training hall, stoves production workshop and a kitchen lab (for testing stoves also used for cooking food). Has the facility to train 50 people. About 10 people could stay overnight comfortably.

A commune is a large gathering of people sharing a common life; sharing common interests, and resources. The constitution is the basis for the commune of earth leaders living in GEO Spirit.
GEO Spirit communes are the places around GEO Spirit centers for people to live in harmony with nature. A GEO Spirit Commune is a permanent sort of place for people to set a role model by living with principles. The written constitution or set of rules are derived based on the principles. The living would be minimalistic based on the spirit of earth, with least impact on resources.
The Geo Spirit communes would have likeminded people working for earth – They are the Earth Leaders. There could be many GEO Spirit communes on parts of earth.
A commune - the French word appearing in the 12th century from Medieval Latin communia, meaning a large gathering of people sharing a common life; from Latin communis. That is  things held in common is an intentional community of people living together, sharing common interests, property, possessions, resources, and, in some communes, work and income.
The notion of a utopia—a perfect, egalitarian, and harmonious paradise on Earth—has been a recurring theme in literature and storytelling for hundreds of years. It all started with the philosopher Plato’s book Republic, and it’s since been expressed in other books including Thomas More’s Utopia and Edward Bellamy’s Looking Backward, as well as in films like Lost Horizon and Things to Come. All this discussion of an ideal and peaceful society has encouraged many people to try and bring these ideas into reality through spiritual communes and new forms of community organization.

Promoting Geo Spirit groves has the highest value. It is selfless declaration to conserve the nature. Everyone possessing land should allocate at least 10% of their land for the Geo Spirit Groves. Geo Spirit Groves should be a must even in the Geo Spirit Centers and Geo Spirit Communes. The individual farmers, corporate farmers, collectives, public gardens, parks, mining areas, etc., should also be declare 10% of the land for the Geo Spirit Groves. It would be great, if least intervention by human beings is there in the Geo Spirit Groves. Ideally, they should be the abode for all fauna.
Sacred groves is one such example, where people conserve with values and spirituality. There is a temple mostly found in every sacred grove. There are sacred groves existing all over the globe. They are also scattered all over India. And are referred to by different names in different parts of India. Sacred groves occur in a variety of places – from scrub forests in the Thar Desert of Rajasthan maintained by the Bishnois, to rain forests in the Western Ghats of Kerala. Himachal Pradesh in the north and Kerala in the south are specifically known for their large numbers of sacred groves. The Kodavas of Karnataka alone maintained over 1000 sacred groves in their region. The Gurjar people of Rajasthan have a unique practice of neem (Azadirachta indica) planting and worshipping as abode of God Devnarayan. Thus, a Gurjjar settlement appears like a human-inhabited sacred grove. Similarly Mangar Bani, last surviving natural forest of Delhi is protected by Gurjars of nearby area.14,000 sacred groves have been reported from all over India, which act as reservoirs of rare fauna, and more often rare flora, amid rural and even urban settings. Experts believe that the total number of sacred groves could be as high as 100,000.
Some of the more famous groves are the kavus of Kerala, which are located in the Western Ghats and have enormous biodiversity; and the Law Kyntangs of Meghalaya – sacred groves associated with every village (two large groves being in Mawphlang and Mausmai) to appease the forest spirit.
Among the largest sacred groves of India are the ones in Hariyali, near Ganchar in Chamoli District of Uttarakhand, and the Deodar grove in Shipin near Simla in Himachal Pradesh. Kodagu, a small region of about 4000 km² in Karnataka, had over 1000 sacred groves.
One of the most important traditional uses of sacred groves was that it acted as a repository for various Ayurvedic medicines. Other uses involved a source of replenishable resources like fruits and honey. However, in most sacred groves it was taboo to hunt or chop wood. The vegetation cover helps reduce soil erosion and prevents desertification. The groves are often associated with ponds and streams, and meet water requirements of local communities. They sometimes help in recharging aquifers as well.
In modern times, sacred groves have become biodiversity hotspots, as various species seek refuge in the areas due to progressive habitat destruction, and hunting. Sacred groves often contain plant and animal species that have become extinct in neighboring areas. They therefore harbor great genetic diversity. Besides this, sacred groves in urban landscapes act as "lungs" to the city as well, providing much needed vegetation cover.
Threats to the grove include urbanization, over-exploitation of resources (like overgrazing and excessive fuelwood collection), and environmental destruction due to religious practices. Sometimes too many visitors to the sacred groves also disturb the sacred groves flora and fauna. While many of the groves are looked upon as abode of Hindu gods, in the recent past a number of them have been partially cleared for construction of shrines and temples. Other threats to the sacred groves include invasion by invasive species, like the invasive weeds Chromolaena odorata, Lantana camara and Prosopis juliflora.
Before planting a tree, it is important to identify a tree for conservation and save a tree through protection.

On the principles of Geo Spirit Commune, The Earth Center Commune is being developed at Haritha Vanka, Kadthal Village, Amangal Mandal, Mahabubnagar District, Telangana, India. Total area is in about 9 acres.
The whole world is one living thing.
One for all, all for one.
One cannot own the earth, we are only trustees.
Living in harmony with nature.
Ecological footprint low by adopting minimalistic approach.
Respecting environment, ecology and biodiversity.
Striving for Earth Leadership for a sustainable future.
The Earth Centre (TEC) is a “Commune” declared by the members who own the space at The Earth Centre.
The Members of The Earth Centre are declared as the “Earth Leaders”
TEC Commune has “Council for Green Revolution”, Centre and the Earth leaders habitats.
TEC has a common boundary
TEC has a common water source/s for the whole commune.
Roads within TEC would be laid as and when only required.
Parking of vehicles only at one place, internal mobility by walk or bicycles.
Planting trees @1 plant per four square meters,
Conservation of native plants.
To plant and to cut trees the approval of commune is required.
A place with concentration of highest biodiversity of local species, an abode for plants, animals and microbes and also a great resource of genetic pool.
Common maintenance of plants
Cultivation of medicinal plants, vegetables, fruits, etc.
Independent solar power sources for lighting and other domestic requirements.
Regular power for bore-wells and non-negotiable requirements.
No more than 30% of the land owned by a member should use for construction.
Construction of habitations approved by commune members with eco-friendly materials
Common kitchen - Healthy food would be served at the TEC.
Common library
Common communications to access internet.
Eco friendly technologies and practices - good stoves, biogas, compost, biochar, non-pesticide management, organic, permaculture, water harvesting, waste management, etc.
To transfer or sell any piece of land approval of the commune members required.
The Earth Centre constitution rules are applicable for all the members and their heirs, affiliate members, visitors and guests.
The Earth Centre Commune would be registered as a society.
Qualifications to be a member of the TEC - Must have contributed for environment / development / social service / education / relevant appropriate areas.
Core members are those owning a piece of land in The Earth Centre and Affiliate Members are those affiliated to the TEC through CGR.
All members of the TEC are the “Earth Leaders”
All decisions are taken based on the approval by at least 50% of the commune members.
The earth center commune management committee (Society) would be constituted within one month from the date of acquisition of the land.

Earth leaders are the people involved in environmental, ecological, social and developmental challenges on The Earth. Representing millions of needy and poor people. Most of these leaders 'if not all' represent non-formal and unorganized - Institutes, agencies, organisations or freelance. To organize the earth leaders Earth Leaders Network (ELN) is proposed, some of the aspects of the earth leader are given below.
Common goals are bigger than the personal goals. Serving the earth must regarded the highest form of service. Earth Leaders are committed to serve the earth in their own way, mostly with limited resources or a struggle for financial sustenance or even survival. Whereas with the kind of selfless efforts they own and value each and every part of the earth & work as torch bearers to safeguard earth's very existence with even much bigger cause of species surviving on it in one form or the other.
This is a network formed to bring together all those committed and working for the earth with purest intent, under a common umbrella for the following objectives:
To enhance their commitment and earth leadership
To encourage young earth leaders to join this movement
To facilitate Earth Leaders communes in complimenting individual efforts to a collective force for a greater Social Impact that is Measurable & Sustainable
To secure the earth leaders by reducing their vulnerability
To create knowledge and skills - exchange network of dutiful earth leaders in a concentrated form
To enhance the intensity of each earth leaders capitals primarily in Social, Physical, Financial, Human, Environmental and Natural forms
To encourage professionalism in serving earth through volunteerism, fellowships & internships
To create a directory of earth leaders transcending geographies.
To create earth leaders institute to disseminate & exchange values, beat practices etc.
To build the capacities of the earth leaders with a seemless access to technology that will help them to organize their efforts & conserve wastage of resources.
Earth Leaders – Self Help Group
Earth Leaders – Commune
Earth Leaders – Institute & Capacity Building
Earth Leaders – Directory
Earth Leaders – Knowledge and Skills Exchange
Earth Leaders – Social Networking Group
Earth Leaders – Internship and Volunteers Programmes
Earth Leaders – Resource centres pool for facilitation
Earth Leaders – Technology exchange.
Earth leaders –  Habitat center

Regarding the initiatives by GEO, Mr. Lloyd Helferty, Engineering Technologist, Canada, comprehends as such:
“…..Personally, I like the approach of the Geoecology Energy Organisation (GEO) in Hyderābād, India. They have chosen to promote the creation of "Sacred Spaces" in every village they go to. These Sacred Spaces are specifically identified 'ancient' forests and other "natural landscapes" that are intended to be preserved, not only for the "mental health" of the people, but also (literally) to protect and preserve the Soil diversity and health -- and, thus create a "legacy" that ensures both Food and Bodily health -- the 'body' of the Earth itself -- is held sacred. They call these spaces, "Geo Spirit Centres", where people care for and come to respect "Mother Earth" -- in the literal sense that the word "Earth" is also a synonym for the SOIL -- which means that literally, they are places to protect; places where people can come to respect and care for "Mother Earth", which literally could mean respect and care for the "Mother Soil". And if you think about this -- really think about it -- it is true that the soil is really our "Mother" ~ for without healthy soils, NO LIFE (on land) would Exist. [!] And once we have created what we might call these "Mother Soil" sanctuaries -- the "Spirit Centres" where soil (microbial) biodiversity is encouraged and left to flourish... we may then get an opportunity to use "tools" like biochar compost that has been 'inoculated' by the "Mother Soils", to help restore our badly degraded lands. In this case, heat sterilized biochar could be considered the "carrier" of soil biodiversity ~ allowing the abundant microbes from the 'Mother soil' to [literally] be 'carried' ~ transferred ~ as intact as is possible, from the point of origin [the 'Sacred Spaces'], and be placed onto the 'degraded lands', to act as the 'seed' that can then "re-populate" these essential microbial communities back to the degraded landscapes…”


Declaring “GEO Spirit centers” and “Mother Trees” is one of the means to conserve biodiversity and most importantly the soil microbes. One’s declaration is the most powerful thing.
Soil microbes, make soil living and has symbiotic relationship with plants. And these are specific to the local regions. Our present agriculture system has made many soil microbes extinct. ”What is seen is taken more care than what is unseen”. Let us start from base of the pyramid of life which is the basis of life.

The government systems globally are becoming more and more inefficient, that is one more reason for increased budgets every year. Creating government jobs is not important, unless we reduce inefficiencies. There is nothing to be happy for increased budgets, it means the same amount would be taxed or inflated through printing money and everyone need to contribute. In personal life it is difficult for a person to have recurring payment commitments and live to pay. Then how come we are happy every year with increased budgets and the taxes.

“Human being”, in which 'being’ is continuous. Only one species on earth is ‘being’. To assert the expected nature of humans, human being term is used. All other life on earth are ‘living’ a natural way of life. For example, there is nothing like 'dog being' for dogs. Because dog is like a dog always in space and time. Whereas humans are ‘being’ based on their own understanding, conventions, convenience and norms of living. In each individual’s life, being human varies in space and time. Say, a dog lover is more concerned about dogs, than cats or humans. We humans restrict ourselves and live a life with less freedom. People are selective and political too.
Human beings belong to the species Homo sapiens in Latin means "wise man" is the binomial nomenclature (also known as the scientific name). Are humans really being wise?
If one thinks I belong to a nation they are smaller, but if one thinks I belong to “The Earth”, they are bigger in life. People living on earth discriminate and own only parts of the earth. If everyone loves the earth and the only space to live, there would be peace and development of one and all. The spirit of earth is the spirit of you. You take care of earth, earth will take care of you.
There are moments in life. The meaning of life is an understanding of one’s own past, being in the present and planning for future. The history is past and future can be planned. The real meaning of life is to be conscious and be present.
We are living in a world of truth, false, belief and imagination. We all are enjoy everything - right or wrong. To be a philosopher one need to filter the truth from trash. This is a life time task.
There is more to learn from an ant than an elephant – given their size and life span.
There are some good things to learn from everyone.
Life is a celebration, enjoy what one has chosen.
Some form of energy called you in time and space is one’s life.
Being in Human Being is sensitivity.

Life is simple. Don't make it complex. Enjoy every aspect in life by being present. Don't ever have only one identity. Identity makes conscious of oneself and sucks life. There is no freedom of thought and deed in being someone. In one life many challenges accomplished, is like taking rebirth many times in this very life. Being curious and having many life's in one life is the real freedom to life.
Identity is like ear markings on an animal. A butterfly transforms and loses its identity and appears beautiful.  The surprise of transformation from creeping caterpillar to a flying butterfly makes it more beautiful. Jack of all, lives a complete life as compared to master of one.
To achieve things a person need not think that he will do everything to be in the limelight. If not loud speaker, one can be the source – the mike.
Looking good and really being good is very rare. People deceive others by looking too good sometimes. The body language, spoken words, acts, etc., may not be always truthful. Looking good without any reason is rare to see.  
We have to do something in life, so just do what you love. Love all and also what is most important for others. But true love manifests in doing not for you and not about you. If one has to live on earth, the resources and environment is helping us to live. And one has to work for all.
Life is not easy for those who love living for others.

If someone is stuck, sometimes continues to enjoy a given situation and seldom ready for change. People get used to a given situation, life style and work they does not want to change. An insect living in the sewerage loves it. It never explores the other world and possibilities. Similarly some people love what they are. A leader also consistently works for positive change.

Think today as your last day – do what all possible. Life expands through knowing, knowing and knowing. Learning, living and life are different. There are always challenges at every stage in our life, overcoming them is what life is all about. Life without a goal has no meaning. Life is simple don’t make it complex. When one is alive bad things are highlighted, after death good things are remembered. When one thinks I am wasting time my life, it is time to change. Life and time are limited, I don’t understand my car components but driving and enjoying it. Before and after nothing, there is something in between that is life. One who can value every moment in life can do only good. Giving is the complete meaning of life. In one’s life more time is spent on bad things than on good things – discussed and shared. Too much is bad, some is good, too little is poor. Time is a relative term: less time, more time or no time is based on the priorities.
“The Best is enemy of the Good”

For encouraging students to be the future leaders, students are exposed to several case studies and the personalities having accomplishments in life. A) A person with rural background studied in a government school, with great hardships did PhD and now in a Multinational Company. He is now earning decent salary, and having a comfortable life B) A person from a village, who was an very poor, once up on a time. Went abroad for better livelihood and income. Now CEO of several companies. Started earning a lot. C) A person from a middle class family, who studied in reputed colleges and has completed PhD. Although had the potential to get a decent job, to the surprise of everyone, one day decided to work on environment and development sector.
Each person is great in their own way, a child should not follow others’ lives, but chose their own.

If governments take the social responsibility there is no need of organizations, they have tax collection system and currency printing machines to meet the funds requirement. Why organizations should exist? What is the difference between government, organization, foundation, agency, corporation, Public sectors, Industries, contractor, etc. there is a social aspect in everything they are doing. Government is permanent and an accountable system as compared to any other thing. If our government is a social welfare state many other things will disappear, hope one day it happens!
Wisdom should be acquired by each individual, which should be expressed in our being. The people over years have learned how to make a sustainable living from the available resources. That wisdom had greater meaning for sustainable life on earth. For example, the way of life of Bushmen of Kalahari or Eskimos of the circumpolar region in the North. If the “clever” people from lower latitudes were sent to those places, all the resources would exhaust within no time. Because, our definition of sustainability is “too much sustainability”, those places become inhabitable within no time, for not only humans but for all life existing there. In the past all the places on earth were sustainable. There is a lot to learn from each place how the practices worked earlier. The history still exists in every place, just open up and learn to create a sustainable present and future.


People started enjoying things of future. This is possible through "credit". This leads to over exploitation of resources at present at the cost of future generations. A young Information Technology employee could be able to purchase a house due to high salaries, otherwise he would have purchased the same house say after 20 years of hard work. Such things are possible only by human beings. All other living things live in the present, but man is able to exploit the future of our children too. This system leads to imbalance on earth. This is only a "Hype", already we are witness to how it is collapsing.


The development interventions should always look at the short and long term impacts. A micro-finance institute should look beyond the payment of loans and mere economic development of its stakeholders. The source of income is most often from the immediate environment directly or indirectly. The access to resources by one stakeholder might impact access of the same by another. The resources might get damaged sometimes beyond sustainability in the process of maximizing income. Always the development should be non-exploitative and sustainable. One should relate and analyze the income and sources for income, while formulating the programs. This principle being looked at a micro-scale is also relevant to any other action and activities at meso or macro levels too. Income term does not exist in nature, it is a creation by human beings, leading to non-sustainable development.


Human beings evolved through evolution and are not the original creation of God on this earth. Even God might not have been in the form of human being. If ants had been more intelligent than the Human beings, our gods might have been in the form of ‘ants’. All the knowledge acquired by human beings in one’s own life time is very little. Human beings are selfish, most often the priority of all acts are of concern to themselves. Sustainability is the term created by human beings for their own sustainability. In the human defined sustainability only some species and resources do sustain. Human beings together constitute one big single living thing, sole purpose is the sustainability of this single living thing.


Human beings in large numbers growing exponentially, require large space for their own survival and thriving. The 8 inch deep soil (earth), the atmosphere and the sea are the three important spaces for human beings. The surface area of the earth is increasing with physical constructions of multistory apartments. The domestic animals are caged in multi-layers for more yield of meat, milk, eggs per unit of area. Cutting down forest areas for agriculture, the multi-crops, muti-tire crops, increase in gross cultivated land, intensive application of fertilizers, pesticides, intensive-short duration- cropping system, etc., are the manifestations of the greed, demand and aspiration for more space and self-actualization. The use of biochar (charcoal) in soil, coral reefs, etc. create more space for soil microbes and aquatic life. 

I saw a beautiful bird on the branch of a beautiful tree. Today, that tree was cut down and also the bird is not seen. The reference in time and space has disappeared. The kids born today, has no such reference of the past. They can’t imagine the beauty that once existed. They have a new reference and their references are different. How can we bring back that reference of a bird on the branch of a tree into the imagination of children? Conservation, protection and promotion is best possible only through the records from the past. A green paddy field for someone is beautiful, but less beautiful for the one who has seen in its place conversion of a beautiful forest with wild animals into a paddy field.
The environment has changed a lot, the climate change and global warming are bringing lots of changes on earth. Manmade or natural changes are very much visible, measurable in one’s own life time. To reconstruct the scenario and bring back things lost in time is nearly impossible. But to prepare for the future seems to be easier as an adaptation strategy. The problem with human beings is that majority of times we live in the past and expect future to be similar to our past, i.e., because we get habituated to a particular environment and expect the same environment to continue. We tend to like a given environment as we grow in it. The challenge is to change and adapt. Both change and adaptation happens in the process or through circumstances. At any given time the existing species are only the most adaptive species.
Earth is one of the smallest matter in the cosmos. Cosmos is a living thing. Within which there is conversion of matter to energy and energy to matter. There is a harmony in the universe, there is a birth and death of stars, planets and satellites. Although we classify things as living and non-living, and invest so much to explore life on other planets and in the universe. The matter as small as an atom also has energy and rhythm in it. From micro to cosmos everything is a living thing. Among the billions of species on the earth, we are striving for oneness on just this earth.

The term environment is often used for the surroundings from the point of reference. The human beings are mainly responsible for altering the natural environment. Evolution of species was based on the changes that happened in environment over a period of thousands of years.
We have recreated environments to suite one’s own needs through use of technologies. The home, work place, etc., are all of important concern. The materials used for construction of residential houses were mostly natural in the past. At present most of the construction materials are artificial and synthetic. These environments were artificially created by human beings. Living spaces has impact on the peace, health, socialization, happiness and spirit of the individuals living in such habitats. A home should also aspire one towards spirituality and also invoke once spirit on the purpose of living. Whereas the living environment for wild animals is a natural aspect. The other dimensions of human environments include natural, social, cultural, physical, political, economic, etc. In a person’s life all the above environments in different degrees cause impact.
The Environment and ecology terms are often used, there is a hierarchy on the usage of the words, based on the meaning, implications and impact. For me Geoecology (Earth and Ecology) meaning stands at the top as a term which encompasses everything and being more holistic. Sometimes by having limited meanings we ignore the broader implications and we tend to focus only on the immediate concerns. Earth is the only planet, it is precious let us understand it more comprehensively as Geoecology, rather than limiting ourselves in understanding it through use of shallow terms.

Our pet animals enjoy every space in home than we do. (Dog can sleep under the bed in the bathroom and everywhere, whereas you can’t)

People are moving from place to place in their life time, to a minimum of three places in one’s life time - Born in one place, get educated in another place and finally settle in a different place for the rest of life.


Sensitivity is the greatest skill god has given to human beings. A sensitive person is more useful to the society.
A child immediately after birth responds to change in environment by crying. We had been seeing drastic changes happening to the beautiful environment in one’s life. How come we are so mean and does not respond to the environmental changes. When a child can respond, whereas learned people become insensitive to environmental changes.
The extreme form of de-fragmentation is unification.
Often people are sensitive to only few things of interest or ignore or not at all sensitive to some of the aspects. The level of sensitivity also varies in space and time. It is based on the interest, duration of exposure and experience. Sensitivity might lead to awareness, knowledge, acquiring skills, understanding and action. Being sensitive is a great boon for able to lead any aspect. Gotham Buddha being sensitive left everything to understand the cause and finally evolved Buddhism.
"One glorious day as he went out of the palace to the pleasure park to see the world outside, he came in direct contact with the stark realities of life. Within the narrow confines of the palace he saw only the rosy side of life, but the dark side, the common lot of mankind, was purposely veiled from him. What was previously conceived only mentally, he now saw in vivid reality for the first-time. On his way to the park his observant eyes met the strange sights of a decrepit old man, a diseased person, a corpse and a dignified hermit. The first three sights convincingly proved to him, the inexorable nature of life, and the universal ailment of humanity. The fourth signified the means to overcome the ills of life and to attain calm and peace. These four unexpected sights served to increase the urge in him to loathe and renounce the world. We all might have seen many such sights, but how many of us have followed his path for the world. One might be sensitive, but true sensitivity is one which leads to action.
Buddha helps us to understand the highest value of sensitivity. Similarly, one can be sensitive on different issues such as, Gender, Climate change, global warming, social backwardness, poverty, etc. and work for mitigating the impacts.
Sensitivity leads to awareness, knowledge and act.

If sustainability is adopted by every living thing one earth as humans do, everything would have disappeared.
Most often the definition of sustainability is explained in terms of self-interest. The sustainability with someone’s interest may not satisfy the interest of everyone.  Sometimes interest makes a resource unsustainable ? ! Too much interest is selfishness? The over exploitation of resources, leading to unsustainability of that resource. If all the animals in a Jungle one day were taught about sustainability as do human beings think. One alpha male tiger would herd all the animals it can eat, into one corner as a a shepherd does put the sheep in a pen at the end of the day. Denying the right to other tigers as it owns them now. The super-sustainability of this tiger is achieved for generations and also for its progeny. The sustainable interest of one tiger is the non-sustainable aspect for other tigers and other carnivorous animals. Similarly, if all the animals have thought about their sustainability similarly, what would have been the sustainability of earth?
Note: The sustainability defined here is as perceived by the most "interested" people.


One has born on this earth empty, understood something and made a life. One has no right to hold knowledge forever through patents and copyrights.
Knowledge is eternal; it is like the water that flows. It should not be stopped by the interest of few. For every new creation, innovation, design, etc., One is also accountable for that thought and knowledge to all those who have contributed, both living and non-living things in the universe.
Open Knowledge is a set of principles and methodologies related to creation and sharing of knowledge in an open manner. Share as much as knowledge, it is never going to deplete, it will be always enhanced.
Open Knowledge is a source for freedom and integrity. The whole world is expanding at a rapid phase in all aspects of Knowledge and technologies, the requirements of better and efficient technologies are also growing. The ecology is unable to sustain the needs of the human beings and human beings are not cleaver enough to copy and replicate nature in spite of so much science and technological progress. The natural creations are the ultimate sources of sustenance of life on earth. The very few technological innovations created by humans are also not accessible to all because of the following two main reasons. A) Self-interest or selfishness for social, economic etc., considerations B) Investment made for the innovation.
What if while looking at the apple falling from the tree, Sir Isaac Newton picked up the apple and ate it and he did not delve on the gravity, and share his findings. The whole world would have been different. Probably someday someone would have discovered the same in a different situation. Many discoveries and inventions do exist on earth but, everyone is not cleaver to have been able to patent. And geographically mainly the North American and European countries had these patenting systems in place since 19th century. The holding of the knowledge by few is a hurdle for those who could have been the source of similar innovations. The knowledge in the hands of a sharing person is better than in the hands of selfish person. It is bad to hold knowledge and not be able to share in the public domain when it is pertinent to the whole world. If the knowledge is held as patent, there are three options 1. Use of knowledge by the source person 2. Share the knowledge with others 3. Sleep over the knowledge thinking that someday, I will use it. Majority of the times the last is in practice, for which there is no action of any kind against the person who is doing that. Anything not shared is like a “Drama without audience” – Thinking that one day I will do it myself is a great loss to the world. Preaching’s are more meaningful only if lead to action.
We are accountable to our future generations first, because they would pay our current expenses and we are only paying the meager debt of our parents and forefathers. The debt of every nation is increasing and never ending. Because we are enjoying the “present future” costing our future generations. Present future means, present day one is enjoying resources meant for future generations. Collateral credit on earth resources is one such means.
The internet is one of the greatest communication tools of this century. In the history of human beings, the creation of digital world is unique and it would continue. The access to knowledge is not limited, one could easily refer, copy, generate and understand. The copyrights and patents are not stringently honored.   To protect patents and copyrights nobody can fight battles in so many countries. It is better to declare an innovation as Open Knowledge especially if it is meant for common good.
Patents and copyrights are ruling human decisions and development. Regime of patents leads to creation of wealth for some. No knowledge has been created without following the principles of science existing even before humans were born on this earth. Appreciation for once knowledge and contribution to the pool of discoveries and innovations is required.

Many people are the monkeys of desire trapped in a cage, not having freedom to give up what one has.
Traditionally monkey catchers use a technique, where monkeys are cleverly trapped by placing a banana in a cage or a hole. Only the straight hand of a monkey fits through a small hole in the cage, after holding the banana placed inside as bait, the monkey cannot take out its hand. The monkey is trapped in its own desire to possess the banana and it is held there losing all its freedom. The monkey catcher catches it before the monkey moves.
Symbolically, where banana is the knowledge accessed by the people not willing to share and trapped in their own desire losing all the freedom.
Open Knowledge is ultimate because it is declaring beyond source, which is freedom for all. Open source technology, Creative commons, Open source hardware and open design also gives one freedom. Liberation from source gives one greater freedom.
Open Knowledge is all about solidarity and concern for this earth. Everyone loves freedom of thought and act, Open Knowledge is the source. Let us declare things relevant to millions of people and the environment as Open Knowledge.

Some points for thought:
People download more information and upload very less and useful information into the public domain. Collected data, knowledge and information is stored in their hard disks, emails, drop box, etc., There is no value after their death. There are so many global challenges faced by humanity, environment and ecology it is not right to hold knowledge relevant to make this earth a better place. There are many issues relevant to more than million people living on earth, at least all the knowledge relevant to these millions of people should be declared as open knowledge. The governments / organizations / agencies should compensate the respective sources if needed and declare as Open Knowledge.

Let us expand beyond boundaries by sharing. Sharing gives freedom to oneself and to the whole world. It gives immense satisfaction when we share, while we are alive. One cannot compete with someone who wants to share. Sharing when one has less has more meaning than when one has plenty. Sharing is meaningful if it is "not for you and not about you". Teaching is enhancing sensitivity and interest in the pupil through sharing knowledge.
Human beings are not the Gods nor the creators of the universe. Everything works on this earth based on the laws of nature.
The discovery / innovation / design / Process / etc., all are eligible for patenting. In the patenting system recognition for ones work and economic benefits are some of the main benefits for the person / organization. Patenting retards the progress and development. The laws of patenting and the subsequent rights originated in the west, where the development of latest science and technology happened very rapidly. Although the basic foundation of sciences were developed in the ancient countries much more before. Nothing is in isolation, everything is interconnected from microcosm to macrocosm. Creations / innovations / discoveries in time and space are not discrete they are integral part of the whole. No laws are different from what is existing in the universe. No other creature on this earth patents except humans. Patenting is an exclusion method for personal gains. Denying the right over laws of nature. In the long run patents, would kill the spirit of development. Let us share the knowledge and our creativity as commons for a better world and bliss. The more one shares the more one receives.
Sharing types
Authentic Sharing - It is complete and intentional sharing
Intentional sharing - Selfless sharing and it is a push factor
Selfish sharing - Only some aspects are shared and never one would know the whole.
Bait sharing - Sharing attracts others to the source for complete knowledge.
Proxy sharing - sharing original idea with amendments and declaring as their own.
Comfortable sharing - Sharing comfortably with only a particular section of people and who are non-competitive.


Work should be enjoyable, productive and lead to more work. Some people say they have done the work but with no results irritates many. Some people seem to be very hectic and doing lots of work, but the results are not meaningful for the efforts invested. All the species on earth work with their maximum efficiencies. Some people think they deserve the honorarium for attending the job. Majority of species do not exploit their own species as much as the humans do. Work is worship is to be preached to people who are lazy or in search of easy jobs. The day one has done productive work, would share with someone and be happy.
If earning money is ones ultimate goal in life then one’s job is very hard. Job is described as the principal activity in one’s life that one does to earn money. Money is a myth between real and unreal values. Money should be ones demand and command one should not become slave of Money. Loving money does not mean that money loves you.

Love your job not a day of work.
Many people want to have a Job. One of the important reasons is security and money. Job and rights are always together.
The social force that binds one to the courses of action demanded by that force is duty. Duty of a person is invaluable. It is beyond monitory concerns and altogether has a different value system. Duties are declared under the job, but most often duties are not binding and only act as guidelines. Sometimes duties extend beyond time and space. Sometimes, the rights of a job clash with duties. Many people in Government services are doing simple jobs. The responsibility of Government employee most often ends up with their right to job and the rights of that job. Sometimes the costliest services delivered are the government services, because of inefficiency.

Earth will not be rich if one earns.


Some people are very happy, some are not so happy, some are sad but pretend to be happy and some are not at all happy in a given situation. On the whole it is the degree of happiness. Why it happens? Say, a poor happy villager got a chance to spend one week in a luxury hotel, as he has come to attend a seminar on poverty and development. His stay and hospitality was totally sponsored by the funding agencies. The farmer learnt that the total bills accrued amount is equal to all that he earns in one year as income. Now he goes back to the village. Now he has some real experience to compare with his past and present life style. How happy he is now??! How happy he would be to lead rest of his life?! Now due to globalization and communication many such scales are emerging into the minds of people. Do we think the whole world is much happier now than in the past?!

A doctor cannot give prescription now for a past ailment. One cannot sleep days together now to cover up the past sleepless nights. We need to shape rod only when it is hot. We live now and only now. Say, if we don’t have memory / no history / no records in what way our past affects the present. What is the punishment value for a young person committing theft and a 100 year old person doing the same crime? In the history of both the persons, the remark is the same. But the young man sent to Jail matters the most (for whom) for the same amount of theft. The backlogs does not exist in one’s life as it is only virtual past. We can always take steps for the future and not for the past.

The beauty of life is the progeny. There is no continuity / existence without progeny. The ultimate goal is to secure the life of this very progeny, for which we put all our energy and efforts. All life on
 this earth exists with the same purpose. Unfortunately, some species extinct, as the environment over a period acts against its own nurtured adaptive capability to survive through evolution. The present environmental changes caused by one single species "Human Beings" is threatening the existence of many species on earth and already is the cause of extinction of many species. The "progeny" purpose of life is at stake.

SAVE EARTH OR SAVE OURSELVES – If we vacate earth, everything will be in balance and harmony.

It is very rare that people resolve a movement, but engage in a new movement.

You are you. Where ever you are, you are you. The value of you is same everywhere. The value of you assessed by others might vary. Also what I am is defined by where I am in time and place.
Wherever a person, should remain truthful and committed. If you are not there, it is their loss and others gain. The monetary value is one of the values for the work done in one’s life, but not everything. Poverty a measure in economics need not lessen pride of the people. They might have greater values among themselves. The total some of values around an activity is the real value. All the values around a subject are also important.
Say God, in the form of a statue located at a place has some value. If the same statue is replicated as original and placed everywhere, what is its value? If it is transported to another place what is its value? If copies of original statues placed everywhere what is the value? But for the god pervading everywhere has the same value.
Ones kids are loved more than one’s own parents. “Selfish Gene” dominates sometimes. It is rare that efforts, time and investment is made to save the life of elderly people. Although there are possibilities to advance death by selling all the properties. Most often to save wealth for the young, elderly people are not taken care.
Only humans spend time for being something. All the other life forms are always being what they are.


For all life the basic things for making a livelihood are exposure, experience, skill, knowledge, understanding and action. As part of current education system Human beings spend about one-third to one-fourth of their lifetime to gain knowledge. Parents don’t know in what areas their child is most interested. Children are too small to understand - what is of their interest, so they are forced to learn everything till 10th standard. But every child knows what her /his interest in time and space. Their interest might vary with time as they grow. But the teachers and parents believe that the children are too young and they don’t know what they want to be in life. And force them to choose areas, which they believe would guarantee secured livelihood. There is no system to encourage a child, have freedom to set their own goals and strive to achieve, as they grow.
Pedagogy is the discipline that deals with the theory and practice of education; it thus concerns the study and practice of how best to teach. Its aims range from the general (full development of the human being via liberal education) to the narrower specifics of vocational education (the imparting and acquisition of specific skills). There is a need to evolve from traditional pedagogy.
Learning is never ending. Education is part of learning. There is an end to education but there is no end to learning. Only human beings get educated. Everything on this earth can learn even animals.
To evaluate a person’s standard, the marks and grades are given in school. Standard of a person deteriorates with time and only in few areas they would be strong, which contribute to their livelihood or of interest. A person never gets same marks or grade, if they write an exam again and again. Many times they fail too. This education system tests and qualifies a person in time and space and never guarantees the ‘standard’ for a life time.
While teaching, a teacher always starts from lesson no. 1, in few subjects one need to follow a sequence. For some lessons and non-detail subjects, a teacher could begin the lesson as per the interest of the students. In that case the focus and attention of children would be high. Their learning would be faster.
The questions appearing in exams are based on probability and cycles. Many questions appear as per the guess. A certain percentage of students pass exam, because the governments cannot fail too many students. Over the years the percentage of marks and grades are improving, but the standard of students falling down.
In real life, if someone has a problem or challenge, they apply their own learning / consult a colleague / refer literature / call a friend, etc. But in the exams one need to write the solution on their own, without any other external support. A student should be given skills on all the means to find the best solution or answer to a question or problem to face in the real life situations. Rather facing the problem and struggling on their own. The evaluation of a person’s ability to do everything on their own is not real education. The writing skills constitute a major method for evaluating the students. Writing is most painful, people seldom write in their life. If writing itself is so unpleasant, why students are evaluated on the basis of writing.
Life skills are to be imparted on priority as part of education. Such as sowing a seed, making clean water, catching fish, creating fire, cooking, sleeping under the open sky, etc. Sometimes a child from a village is more alert and active as compared to children born and brought up in the cities. The people educated through existing methods are highly vulnerable.
About 7 years back, I had been the course coordinator of Environmental Management module, for MBA students. I used to teach them outside the class room – lecture on rocks, lecture while walking in an industrial area, etc. The students were very happy. I said environment is an Open Subject - so for their exams, I have given them all the open options for writing the exam. i.e., refer a book, use internet and call a friend (who is not writing exam). The students were very happy. I gave them this chance of writing the exam on one condition, that only if they are also willing to give similar options to their students in the future (if they teach ever).
Art, Science and Technology all are important. Say, an engineer designs a car with good engine and structure, but an artist finalizes the design of body with good shape and colour. A car designed only by engineers may not be appealing to the common public by looks. The engine and other inner parts which constitute 80% of the cost of a car is rarely seen and appreciated by people. But the outer body which constitutes 20% of the cost of a car is more appealing to the people and even to the owner. Very rarely we see people taking photos with the engine of a car. One might find more jobs and highly paid, by not studying arts. But all the subjects are important, as we have seen in the above case. Therefore arts should be one of the subjects for the engineers too. To lead a complete life, one should know many things before one dies. Dyeing knowledgeable is better than dying as an ignorant person. Everything on this earth and universe is interesting and worth knowing. A generalist leads a complete life as compared to a specialist.
Ignorance is sometimes a bliss. Because they never feel guilty, like tribal person hunting and eating a deer. For a person who understands that it is an endangered deer, he should never do that.  Guiltiness, righteousness and wisdom increases with knowledge of person, so we are Homo Sapiens i.e., wise wo/man. 

By occupation farmer in the one who is connected with earth more than anyone else. Why a farmer is not honored, he is becoming more and more vulnerable? Over a period this sector turned from sustainable agriculture to exploitative agriculture. The new practices are degrading the very resources which sustained farming. The soil degradation, water pollution, ground water depletion, pesticide residues in the produce, greenhouse gases release, etc., are some of the impacts. The scientific community and the policy makers introducing GMOs, chemical based agriculture, etc., are also responsible for this pathetic situation.
If the budget component allocated to the farmers and agriculture sector increases every year means we have not achieved much. If the annual budget allocation decreases, it means we are really working for this sector. It is like the number of pills taken by a patient continues or increases, it does not mean that the patient is becoming healthy.
In the history the farmers paid the taxes and contributed to the economy of the nations. Earliest civilizations and cultures in parts of the world flourished. The richest kings, kingdoms, monuments existed because of farmers contributions. Today our policies, technologies and other factors made the farmer no less than a beggar for everything - seeds, fertilizers, support prices, loans, insurance, power, rains (cloud seeding), water for irrigation etc. There is a need for serious thought and strategy for the sustainability of farming and farmers livelihood.
We love farmers and their well-being, because they provide food, fodder, fiber, fuel and much more.  Why we are not happy when the prices of their produce goes up? There were jokes and anger when the price of onions increased. No one was bothered when the farmers had been at loss many times, and even paying to dump the produce as garbage. I once dumped flowers as trash, cultivated in our farm as the price was so low. In general farmer rarely gets profits that he deserves for the efforts. Farmers feel bad when the whole system conspires to bring down the prices when they rarely get good price. On the whole it is common sense to understand that the prices go high for various reasons such as a particular crop production was not high due to crop failure. In such a case, the farmer would get compensated through price increase as well as the commission agents / brokers.
First of all, every farmer deserves the right price for the produce. Paying the right price means we are not exploiting a farmer and also giving due respect to the farmer and the agriculture sector. A farmer lives happily with honor and dignity only when he/she could sell the produce at a right price with some profit, after deducting expenses on the inputs, labor, processing, etc.
In the history, farmers were givers i.e., taxpayers and contributed to the GDP of the nation. But they are now at the receiving end. Over the last 50 years, the pride of the farmers were belittled by the systems. Everyone around the farmer is getting benefited through exploitation but not the real farmer. The government officials, university professors, research scientists, and civil society representatives are happy with their profession. There are multinational companies benefited by selling seeds, pesticides, fertilizers, technologies, processing goods and selling the produce. The brokers and other middlemen are also becoming rich. The debt-ridden farmers are becoming poorer and few are also committing suicides. The dependent secondary stakeholders are not supporting the farmers.  Whenever there is a sudden increase of prices, in the interest of very poor people, it is the discretion of the government to subsidize the goods.
In the past to say “I am a farmer”, there was pride, because farmers rarely depended on the government systems. Farmer was independent before India got independence, but after independence farmer has become dependent. Our system failed in promoting Gram Swaraj, otherwise the fate of farmers would not have been so bad. Farmers before independence were paying the tax to the then rulers. None of the rulers nor kingdoms ever had any debt in the past. At present we have debt of nations in billions of dollars, even on just born babies and yet to be born. And we never know when this debt would be cleared. The civilizations, culture and traditions flourished with the development and progress of agriculture and surplus food production. The great monuments stand testimony to the prosperous agriculture based economy in the past.
In the past the development systems based on primary sector such as agriculture was more sustainable. All the communities existed as a social network and promoted farming. The farmers had pride. Since last two decades the farmers contribution to the economic development of the nation is least considered. Although majority of the population is still dependent on agriculture sector. This is because of undervaluing the price of produce and labor. With the green revolution the farmer’s dependency on the non-sustainable input systems increased. The increased production is at the cost of degraded environment and ecological systems. The ecological footprint of the farmer is increasing.  The contribution of the greenhouse gases emissions from the agriculture sector are also increasing. The vulnerability of agriculture sector is increasing from newer dimensions such as climate change, pollution, environmental degradation, GM crops, etc.
Today, the economy is becoming more and more virtual, which is based on printed money, petrodollars, shares and inflation. The farmers are contributing to the real economy through production. Through right price to the farmer we could restore the pride of their farmer and also address the food security of the nation. The farmers hand would be a giving hand rather receiving hand. The farmers would give up all the subsidies, get paid worth the labour, would employ people, adopt technologies, pay for power and water, etc. They would be no more at the mercy of policies. The farmer would also pay taxes for the development of the resources and social security. Once again we would see debt free nations.
We are not sensitive to farmers, they are taken for granted. The day will come when everyone would realize the basis of our own existence.

Education should bring humility and simplicity, rather making complex and exclusive.

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